This course is designed for new Reiki Masters who want to know the next steps to do, and for experienced Masters aiming for something new to add to the 'normal' Reiki teaching to increase the satisfaction of their students. What a Master Reiki wants to do is teaching something new. To be different and encourage new students the Master Reiki needs something else other than standard practice, ideas that excite and revolutionize without compromising exiting Reiki techniques in any way. than standard practice, ideas that excite and revolutionize without compromising exiting Reiki techniques in any way. The course offers new strategies and new complimentary ideas the authors collected during her professional life, stepping outside of Reiki to find things to enhance Reiki, things that would fire up her students to. Moreover these techniques have been constantly reviewed and new ones have been created. Reiki Revolution will guide you step-by-step to new effective, powerful and inspiring teaching methods Reiki Revolution adds specialized knowledge to take you to the next level Reiki Revolution is designed to stimulate and develop your teacher potential Reiki Revolution will fit seamlessly into your Reiki teaching and add huge value to your Reiki students and to you personally Reiki Revolution is designed to enrich your success - however you measure it!

Reiki Revolution

Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2007

What Is Reiki? (Part II)

In a previous article we have said that there are three degrees of Reiki and we were talking about the first degree where the attenuement heals the physical diseases of the receiver. When the person receive this attenuement two or three weeks are necessary to adapt. In this period the energy can activate in an unpredictable moment even when healing is not requested. In these moments the person can have strange and unpleasant feelings. He or she can also visualize events of the past lives or even have physical perturbations (diarrhoea, etc.).

When the healer is at the beginning of his or her experience with Reiki the energy modifies the capacity of the healer to canalize it. A greater quantity of energy goes into his or her aura and body. At this moment aura and chakras are cleaned. If the level of energy is such to cause physical problems it is recommended that the beginner heals him or herself or the receiver in order to balance the energy and reduce the unpleasant sensations. After receiving the first degree of Reiki it is necessary to undergo as many healing sessions as possible for the first month for him or herself or the person to be healed.

With the second degree of Reiki the level of energy increases a lot. This energy focuses on the complete healing of the person, including the emotional and mental aspects. With the transmission this energy brings back all the emotions and problems of the past (including those of the previous lives) and removes them. This process can take more than one month, sometimes six months or more and some pain can be felt, but it is absolutely necessary.

The second degree of Reiki makes available more energy for each healing session. Moreover means and methods are made available to heal from remote. At this aim three new symbols are made available and must be used. These are already available in the aura of the healer at the first degree and flow out automatically from his or her hands during each healing session. During the second degree of Reiki the healer learn how to drive the energy flux and the gets the information to canalize the energy and make the attenuements when at the third degree.

The third level is that to become Master, i.e. a teacher or expert in Reiki. The attenuement is related to the spiritual energy and heals the receiver. While the second degree required a strong effort with the third level the process is easier. The healer increases his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy and healing. Two more symbols are also provided. More information on the symbols and methods of attenuement transmissions are also provided.

At the first degree the healer has only to put his or her hands on the receiver to perform the healing process. The energy then does the rest, just flowing out from the hands. The energy knows where to go even better than the healer. So he or she does not need to worry about how to drive it. All the body’s levels are healed: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This allows to completely healing the receiver. Reiki will solve the problem whatever is the cause of it. It will also heal other diseases in case the energy should find them in the way of healing.

When we talk about Reiki we cannot talk only of the physical body. There are also other three invisible bodies where the energy is present: the vibrational bodies. The healing process according to Reiki involves also these bodies. If compared to the traditional medicine, which treats only the physical body, Reiki performs a deeper healing process achieving better results. With Reiki we not only remove the problem but also the cause of it at the root. In fact a disease can also have a cause that can be not physical. Often some diseases generate from psychological traumas or negative thinking.

Donnerstag, 27. September 2007

What Is Reiki? (Part I)

The action to put your hands on yours or other people’s or animals’ body to heal is in our nature. When we feel pain the first thing we do is to bring our hands where we have pain.
When we have fever we put our hands on our forehead to reduce suffer. The touch brings heat, serenity and healing.
Animals do almost the same when they leak a wounded part of their body.
In the animal world a mother leaks her kids when they are sick and human beings touch their babies with their hands.

The human or animal body irradiates heat and energy, which is vital force. This concept is well known and mentioned in all the human cultures, and this energy has different names according to each of these cultures. For example in India it is called Prana and because of this name we today talk about prana healing. Chinese call it Chi and for this reason today we know about Ch’i Kung, an ancient healing discipline.

In Reiki the healers have to open the energetic channels and to remove the blocks through harmonisations. The healers receive the energy to heal them and connect to the source of the universal energy, also called universal Ki.

Reiki is not a religion; neither is connected to a religion. It is the source of life. It is an entity and as a concept is even older than religious philosophy.

Every living thing has Ki inside. Who or what receives a harmonisation or attenuement is in direct contact with its illuminated source.
There is more than one level of attenuement. With the first level the living entity becomes a channel that drives the energy. When the first attenuement is received, in the future the entity has to put its hands on its or other entities’ body to connect to the universal Ki. The energy will flow automatically.

The attenuement that put into direct contact to the source of Ki, increases the vital energy also of those receiving it. They realize an energy that heals them and they would be able to heal other people, and this energy will not extinguish.
When receiving the attenuement the entity is getting a gift which will change its life in positive.

Montag, 24. September 2007

The Origin of Reiki (Part I)

Reiki is a very simple and efficient healing system with the imposition of hands.
Many people struggled to discover the origins and the age of Reiki. It is not very easy.
Much useful information has not been translated into English yet and some even have never been written.
The history of traditional Reiki starts in 1800, although it is assumed to be quite older.
Th information available before the written texts, available only through the canalization, are theoretic, yet amazing and stimulating. Although this information is not proven it is very interested and cannot be neglected.

Many people, interested in Reiki, or canalization experts affirm that the human being history started on another planet and the human race has been brought on Earth.
Translators of ancient texts are verifying these theories. We have to say they are really courageous.
Someone affirms that the Reiki technique originated on the same planet where Gods with many hands were born on the Earth planet. This is also part of the ancient Indian culture.
According to this culture the god Shiva brought Reiki on Earth and he wanted to be remembered for this.

The human body was created to be compliant to the characteristics of the Earth planet and Reiki was embedded in its genetic code.
As a consequence, Reiki is part of us. Everyone has Reiki inside. Time ago was universal and was created to be used.
The kids of one of the first civilizations, Mu, got the first level Attunement of Reiki at the beginning of the primary school, while the second level Attunement at the beginning of the secondary school.
The Master level was only for the teachers but was available for everyone.

When this people left the land of Mu to go to places like India and Tibet, Reiki remained with them, even when Mu disappeared.
The changes on Earth, when Mu and Atlantis disappeared, created several cultural imbalances, and Reiki was patrimony of only few people.
In 1800 a Japanese men discovered that the healing method of Jesus and Buddha was similar to what Shiva has brought on Earth, and it was written in the Indian esoteric doctrines.

The history of Traditional Reiki started around the middle of 1800 when Mikao Usui, chancellor at the University of Kyoto, in Japan, and also Christian priest, started a research to discover which healing method Jesus used.
The Christian authorities told him that little was said about this method and little was known.
Usui started then to look for useful information within Buddhism, as there were several affinities between the life of Buddha in India and that of Jesus in Palestine.
Unfortunately the Buddhist monks told him that the ancient healing method was lost and the only way to know them was to follow the instructions of the Lightening Path.

Mikao Usui went and lived in the USA for seven years. He applied at the theology faculty of the University of Chicago where he would find what he was looking for.
He performed studies and comparisons between religions and philosophies, but he did not find the answers he was looking for.
Then he came back to Japan and was remembered as Buddhist monk in a Zen monastery.
The Reiki Master William Rand discovered that Usui was never chancellor of the Doshisha University neither student nor professor. Also it is not proven that he was at the University of Chicago.
We may think that the Christian part of his life is an invention by the western people to justify the power of Reiki in the United States.

By the way Mikao Usui found some writings in the Zen monastery. In this writings there was the description of the healing formula.
There was no information regarding the method of activation and use of the energy.
To comprehend the content he studied Sanskrit and then he discovered that the formula was very easy.
He meditated three weeks, did fasting and prayed on Koriyama Mount.
One day he saw a light beam towards him. The beam hit his Third Eye and he lost acquaintance for a while. When he woke up again he saw the Reiki symbols on a screen. While watching them he received the information to attract the healing energy. In this way the first Reiki Attunement occurred, first psychic re-discover of an ancient method.

Dienstag, 17. Juli 2007

Protection prior to giving reiki

Sometimes it seems that you pick up all the bad things from a person you are healing. What can you do to prevent these facts?

Most everyone has experienced a bad feeling during and after healing someone. Usually you get the negative energy of this person and absorb all the residues of his/her disease.
There are several techniques some experts use.

The first is to surround yourself with a bubble of light or discharge often the negative energy from your hands into a container with water.
Someone also works on the psychology and talk to himself that the negativity is drained away from all the bodies in the area.

Another method is to light a candle with the intention of setting a sacred space. You must work with the highest vibration of white light then you smudge the room, with a bundle that you light with the candle flame and using a feather to waft or wave the smoke upward, you make sweeping motions upward with the feather to direct the smoke into the corners of the room, working in a counterclockwise circle to remove any and all dirty energy.
In any case never use your hands as you can pick up dirty energy.
Whatever has been released in the space around and not of the white light will be removed.

You can also smudge yourself by taking the bundle and just running it along side your entire body (in your aura) and under your feet, ending with pulling the smoke over your head with your hand and/or inhaling some of it to remove any internal dirty energy, then place the sage in the earth to put it out (in sand or soil) never douse it with water. You cannot blow it out, it will just fan the flames. So make a container of sand/soil and put your sage bundle out in it. You can store your bundle in an abalone shell. Some people also smudge their massage table, pillow and bolster.

If you are Reiki II or above you can now put symbols in the 4 corners of the room and in front of any doors leading into/out of the room working counterclockwise. There seems to be some controversy as to which symbols to use but most agree on the CKR (one or both versions usually the clockwise) and possible the SHK. You should feel which ones are necessary each time. You might sandwich the SHK between the two CKR'S or just use the two CKR's or just do the clockwise CKR and then the SHK - do what feels right to you. Start in one corner, put in the symbols and using your hand or whatever fingers you used to write the symbols, drag them into the next corner and work back around to the initial corner, repeating the symbols there. Do this with the intention of asking the Reiki energy to come in and put protection in all the corners of the room while you are doing your session (or whatever) and always say a prayer of gratitude afterwards to the Reiki energy for this beautiful service. You don't have to do anything after the session, the energy will of the symbols will fade after a certain time afterwards.

As long as you do not identify with the person's own judgment of themselves (the person is perceiving that something is wrong with them when if they changed their perspective they might be able to understand that their body can't use words but is trying to communicate with them), and focus instead on knowing the true light that exists within each individual. Try not to get involved with the "pain story" which is about separation, while healing is derived from the word "whole." Reiki works to bring about wholeness and so it is helpful not to include thoughts that move toward wholeness rather than away from pain. If we are including the pain story in our
session we are including pain not releasing it.

Knowing where to apply Reiki can be perceived as a blessing and opportunity to be of service. Any perceived "problem" can always be looked at differently if we are willing to shift our perspective and ask "how can this help" and gently let the answer come to us.

Another method some people us is when they get sensations in their body, for instance it will sometimes feel like your guides are tapping on a part of your body, they will ask "is it for me or is it for the person I'm facilitating" and if it is for them, then they will work more closely on that particular area.

If you want to increase your know-how I suggest you to read Richard Ellis's book "Practical Reiki" where he talks about "setting a sacred space".

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007

How to Learn Reiki and Become a Reiki Master

Reiki is a spiritual and physical healing practice that helps individuals overcome health issues and produce stress management in their lives. Reiki has been used for healing since the end of the last century, but is still growing in popularity today. Listed below are the steps to take if you desire to learn Reiki and become a Reiki Master. There are three levels of Reiki that must be completed in order to become a Reiki Master. These are the First Degree level, the Second Degree level, and the Master/Teacher, or Third Degree, level. Each level is explained below. First Degree Reiki In the First Degree level of Reiki, you'll learn how Reiki works, Reiki's historical background, and the different types of Reiki systems that exist today. You'll also be initiated into Reiki and receive your first Reiki energy experience through Reiki Attunement. Through Reiki Attunement, you'll learn first-hand how to tune in to Reiki energy and use it for stress management and physical and emotional healing. This initiation usually involves lying on your back or stomach while a Master or practitioner places his or her hands from your head to toes to approximate the traditional chakra locations. The energy flows through the Master's hands into your body. Although much training is provided through home courses and online courses, you should receive your Reiki Attunement through a Master in person to fully understand Reiki. Once you've experienced Reiki for yourself, you'll start learning how to give others Reiki treatments. Second Degree Reiki In the Second Degree level of Reiki, you'll expand on your initial experiences. You'll learn about distance healing as well. Distance healing involves channeling Reiki energies to someone in another town or even another country! The energy vibration is different with this type of Reiki. It has a higher proportion of energy from the Source and a lower proportion of Chi than the First Degree level. Where the First Degree level promotes primarily physical healing, the Second Degree level promotes healing on a mental, spiritual and emotional level. Master/Teacher Reiki or Third Degree Level In the Master/Teacher, or Third Degree, level of Reiki, you'll learn how to use Reiki symbols and what they mean. You'll also learn how to use various methods of stress management such as healing drumming and crystal healing with crystals. You'll become familiar with sacred mantras and how the different energies work so you can teach others. You'll also be able to perform Reiki Attunements. There are many workshops, online and off-line, to help you learn Reiki. There are also places you can go to have a wonderful Reiki experience, such as the Bell Rock Vortex in Sedona, Arizona. Wherever you go or whomever you choose to help you along the Reiki journey, make sure to open yourself fully to the Reiki energy so you can experience its true healing power.

About the Author
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies. For tips/information, click here: ReikiVisit Majon's Health and Beauty directory.

Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2007

Essential Reiki - The Book by Diane Stain Also For Reiki Masters

With this book Diane made a revolution. Infect she published the drawings of the reiki symbols which up to today are supposed to be revealed to the people who actually get an attunement.
But if something is kept secret those who for the first time approach reiki can have problems in the understanding of Reiki.
Many practitioners are confused for a while at the beginning of their Reiki experience.

Those who have read this book have removed many doubts very quickly. The good point is Diane explains in great detail what each symbol means and provides the guidelines for their use.
She also remarks that to perform Reiki the attunements are necessary.
At each level the person is able to receive more symbols to work with.
Moreover she includes others symbols she has personally discovered in the years of experience and experimentation.

It is a good informative book.
The symbols are slighly different to many Reiki practitioners and as a matter of fact those reported by Diane are not considered the absolute correct ones. But then again, everyone in the Reiki community claims that their symbols are the correct symbols.

This book is a great start to those practitioners who want more information, but other texts should be considered as well in order to make a well-rounded practitioner.
Reiki Masters have nothing to lose with looking at this book.
It is a good choice for people who have not received Reiki attunements but it will be useful when they become practitioner.

It can be considered a manual in addition to other Reiki books, a good reference for Reiki Masters.

Diane starts with the history of Reiki and then provides the instructions for passing attunements. Attenuement is a system of laying on of hands for healing.
Further in the book she discuss about the origin of Reiki energy giving from a phylosophical point of view.

In the discussion about the inclusion of the attunement process she provides details explainging both from the view of the receiver and the giver.

Diane undrelines that part of the healing process is the healing of the self. In fact you must resolve your personal issues before healing someone else.

Moreover many reiki masters ask the beginners to read this book before starting the lessons.

Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art

Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007

Healing Reiki - Secret Reiki Techniques, Including Reiki Master Lessons

With the ebook of Lorraine Olive you will discover remove stress from your body using secret healing reiki techniques.
You will find out how to take control of your health and have an improvement of quality of your life.
Pronounced ray-kee, the word Reiki comes from two Japanese words: rei, wisdom of God (or simply the “Higher Power”) and ki, life force energy. The two words together mean: a spiritually guided energy.
According to Reiki the life force energy flowing in our bodies influences our will to live and enjoy the goodness of life. When that force is high, we are healthly and full of vitality. If it is low we become sick and stressed.
With Reiki the hands are used to transfer the energy force from a person (the giver) to another being (person or animal, the receiver).
The person receiving energy is fully clothed and is not subject to over-manipulation, is not even touched.
For energy to move from one person to another, the method has to be subtle, natural, and not exaggerated in any way.
For those that are skeptic with Reiki it is to be remarked that: it is not a religion (although it is still important for people to live in harmony with one another, only through acts of kindness and charity will transfer of the life force work), does not replace treatments that are medicine-based; it serves as a complement to existing therapies, working in harmony with drugs, surgery, psychological counseling and any other means of treatment, it is not faith healing, it is not massage therapy, although as we said earlier, the hands are one of Reiki’s most powerful tools, and it is not new.

You can learn everything you need to know to take full advantage of this treatment method and also become a master reiki from one convenient, inexpensive ebook!

Here is just some of what you will learn on the pages of my comprehensive guide:

The origins of Reiki

The major types of Reiki

The four main symbols of Reiki

How to use Reiki for diseases such as diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, incontinence, depression, acne, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for how to treat yourself or others with Reiki – this information will put you on the fast track to becoming a Reiki master

3 main benefits of Reiki treatment

How to perform distant healing with Reiki

How a typical Reiki treatment session is performed

The most important consideration for Reiki practitioners

Click here to read more.

Samstag, 16. Juni 2007

Master Reiki At The Reiki Council

The Reiki Council is a nationally recognized, multi-faceted organization
dedicated to the advancement of the Reiki System of Natural Healing
and the understandings of body-mind-spirit health.
They are an International Membership Organization for Reiki Practitioners.
The Reiki Council is an education center committed to providing exceptional learning programs for practitioners of natural therapies and the general public.
Many are the publishers and master reiki who release books, art prints, educational materials, etc.
It is also the exclusive, world-wide governing body for the Reiki-ssage® System of Natural Healing and the Certification of practitioners and instructors; the exclusive, world-wide governing body for the Reiki-ReflexTM System of Reflexology and the Certification of practitioners and instructors; the exclusive, world-wide governing body for the Reiki FaceliftTM System and the Certification of practitioners and instructors.
The Reiki Council is affordable for anyone who wants to become a Master Reiki or only wants to know some concepts of Reiki.
Many Reiki Healing Courses are organized by the Reiki Council.

Click here to read more about.

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2007

Master Reiki Revolution

This course is designed for new Reiki Masters who want to know the next steps to do, and for experienced Masters aiming for something new to add to the 'normal' Reiki teaching to increase the satisfaction of their students.

What a Master Reiki wants to do is teaching something new. To be different and encourage new students the Master Reiki needs something else other than standard practice, ideas that excite and revolutionize without compromising exiting Reiki techniques in any way.

The course offers new strategies and new complimentary ideas the authors collected during her professional life, stepping outside of Reiki to find things to enhance Reiki, things that would fire up her students to. Moreover these techniques have been constantly reviewed and new ones have been created.

Reiki Revolution will guide you step-by-step to new effective, powerful and inspiring teaching methods

Reiki Revolution adds specialized knowledge to take you to the next level

Reiki Revolution is designed to stimulate and develop your teacher potential

Reiki Revolution will fit seamlessly into your Reiki teaching and add huge value to your Reiki students and to you personally

Reiki Revolution is designed to enrich your success - however you measure it!

Click here to read more about.

Montag, 11. Juni 2007

Reiki In 7 Days

Discover Reiki is a brand new ebook written by Reiki Master Stephen Leigh both for those who are totally new to Reiki and even experienced Reiki Practitioners.

As every home study course in digital format this ebook offers the reader a system to benefit in relax from the Healing Reiki methods that Stephen teaches every day to his large community of students.

The method of Reiki described in the ebook is the popular Usui Reiki method that Reiki Master Stephen Leigh has been successfully practicing and teaching for over 10 years.

Healing Reiki is nowadays accepted as an alternative treatment, integrated within hospitals, leisure centres and major sports organizations. It is a popular alternative treatment doctors are now referring patients for.

Everyone can achieve great results studying Reiki. Reiki is not dependant on your status, your wealth or your intellect. All that is required is an open mind and a willingness to learn.

This ebook teaches you easily how to do it!

Click here to read more.

Freitag, 8. Juni 2007

The Essence of Reiki : Reiki Master/Teacher Home Study Course

The Essence of Reiki is a home study course by Usui Reiki Masters Adele and Garry Malone. The teachers are a guarantee for those who want to learn about Reiki and become Masters. They have been working with Reiki for over 20 years.
The course inspires on their best selling book 'The Essence of Reiki'.
The good point of this course is advantage to learn Reiki in a short period of time and with a very little budget.
The student has only to download the home study course and avoid expensive live seminars or lessons.
Moreover the course is made easy to everyone.
The course is organized in manuals (ebooks, digital file in pdf format, easy to read with acrobat reader), practical guidance and hundreds of full colour images.
The teachers also provide support by e-mail so that the student can perceive the same quality of a 'live' course.
Just to give some numbers, the teachers are currently supporting over 350 home study students.
Their promise is for the student to become a certified Usui Reiki Master in as little as 24 Hours from home! Then the student can start his own Reiki School or heal himself, his friends, pets and family.
But which are in concrete the advantages of home study:

No need to move from home so saving time and money.
Learning at own desire and rhythm.
Contact with the teachers by email at any time (this can also grant the possibility to a new friendship with the teachers).

click here to read more

Reiki Master

Is it possible to make a Reiki Master course simple?

I have already told you about my story when I started to know reiki.
Reiki hides a lot of secrets. Reiki not only is a an energy to be used in a therapy to transfer and channel energy for healing and mental health, you can apply the same healing principles used for hundreds of years to practice meditation!
Reiki gives the people a great way for healing everything through energy.
there is a simple guide to become Reiki Master which reveals all these hidden aspects of Reiki and it makes it so easy to understande that you now can really learn the power of Reiki from your home!
In this guide the author reveals: the history and origin of Reiki, how you can heal the body and mind through it, the 3 principles of Reiki revealed, the levels of Reiki (you can learn how to start as a beginner - first level - become a Reiki Master), the techniques, how to use Reiki as Meditation and then for healing, how Reiki heals through chakras, how to stop smoking or drinking through Reiki, the types of energy, how to Get a Reiki Treatment, the sound you need for a Reiki healing, what traditional Reiki is and lots more...
But do not wait... Click Here!

Reiki Master